Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Starring the Starthroat

We enjoyed seeing at least two Long-billed Starthroats (Heliomaster longirostris) at our feeders a while back (see previous blog post), but the one featured in Marco's video below gets top billing. Maybe he is the now-grown-up male we saw previously. He visited us for four days running (3 through 6 November 2010); the video is from 6 November. We were gone all day the 7th and a good part of the 8th, so we don't know about those days.

Extra points for identifying the other two birds in the video...


  1. Glam, esp. in HD and full-screen.

    The dog two houses away is saying, "Roof... Roof..." Are they two meek-seeming Rufous-taileds?

  2. The Snowy-bellied makes an entrance stage right at :18 then crosses to stage left for the remainder. Best view of the belly is @ ~:30.

  3. Very nice... it is the first time that I actually see the "star" throat!
