Sunday, August 26, 2012

One Minute from Cinta Costera

Waiting is a fact of life in Panamá.  Most anything can take longer than expected. Construction, processes for applications or permits or licensing, appointments, and driving all take their time.  Add delays, absences, and traffic to turn a timely project into a time waster.

One day last week, the people meeting me were running late, again.  With some time to kill I walked the coastal strip for half an hour.  Cinta Costera runs along a wide boulevard with green space next to the bay on one side.  On the other, city high rises crowd in close.  There is plenty to see and take in.  I watch the water, greenery, and sky for the common wildlife.  This day a treat lay in wait for me.

The introduced Saffron Finch feeds on the lawns throughout the canal area.   We don't see them in Cerro Azul.  The bright yellow plumage attracted my eye and filled the frame of the video camera.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see your posts resuming again, Leslie and Cindy! I take great delight in them, especially the videos! Thanks for sharing your piece of Panama with those of us who share a love for this beautiful country.
